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13 Jun 2024
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THEMA: Frage

SM with modern engine management and LPG 07 Nov 2014 15:16 #1

With the excuse to write this in English I'd like to share some pics and information about my new project, an SM with modern coiled on plug engine management. It is with 6 ignition coils in stead of a traditional ignition and LPG. The car is being prepared as a daily driver. The job is done by Nard from Renard and Jeroen rom BS-Autotune. They invented this system for the SM. There are allready 10 cars with an enginemanagement. My car is the first with the coiled on plug system.

Technicaly the car is fully modernized. Question appearance it will be original but new. The headlining and the seats will be new. Only the carpet will still be original. Some years ago I bought a set in perfect shape which will be used. The leather is brown in exactly the original colour and structure.

  • Robin Visser
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