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THEMA: Frage

Subject 23 Sep 2004 09:44 #1

nachdem ich mich zum 2. Mal eigeloggt habe (wollt ihr mich nicht dabei haben?) hier nun die Wiedergabe einer Mail, die ich heute erhalten habe:

Dear friends,

Due to my transfer to a foreign country, I have to consider selling the Citroen SM that I have been owning for the last 20 years. It is a 1971 model with carburettors. Mileage at counter is 117650 kms but a new engine was fitted-in at 73000 kms. This car is still in very good shape and requires only minor re-furbishing.
Please find attached pictures of the car.

The current color is white but it seems that the original color was blue.
Internal is black leather.
Original air conditionning system and radio.

Points to be completed from technical aspect:
- There is a slight return of corrosion on one point around the rear window after the back door had been reworked some 15 years ago.
- Exhaust original type corroded and to be changed for inox.
- Mechanical control for front directional lights not complete.
- Main front lights with internal corrosion.
- Back compartment Blaxon treated but need refurbishing with new tapestry.
- Mechanical control for AC not fully operational.
- Requires carburetters and ignition adjustment.

The car is visible at my home place close to Annecy in France (45 minutes from Geneva-Switzerland).
The car will be sold as it to best offer since I am leaving France again and have no time for extended negociation.

Dominique Didier
Tel: (33) 450632301
(33) 679497295
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